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The Rose Posy

A beautiful bouquet of premium cut roses and mixed seasonal local foliages. Professionally arranged by our expert florists and presented in a beautiful complimentary coloured wrap. The stems are kept long so they can be arranged into a vase at home.


Available in 4 sizes

Small - 10 roses

Medium - 20 roses

Large - 30 roses

Luxe - 50 roses


Choose from a selection of colours, white, pink or florist choice. Please note that florist choice may contain a mixed selection of roses. If you have a specific preference of colour not listed, please call our team.


This bouquet comes out of water and the stems should be recut when recieved before putting in fresh water. Main picture is large

The Rose Posy

PriceFrom £60.00
  • We accept orders for delivery Monday to Saturday. Our flowers are handled with care and delivered by our own delivery drivers; therefore, we only deliver within a 12-mile radius of our store.


    Our deliveries are completed between the hours of 9am and 6pm, we charge a flat rate and do not take orders for specific times, if ordering for same day delivery your order will most likely be delivered in the PM anytime up to 6.30pm


    Same day delivery is available if order is placed before 12pm, if past this time, please call our store on 02895430330 to check availability. At busy periods same day delivery may not be available or this time is subject to change, but this information will be available on our home and checkout page.


    For delivery rates, click here -


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