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Signature Bouquet

Our most popular design, a beautiful handpicked selection of fresh flowers and foliage expertly arranged and presented in water in our signature grey vase.


As we are an independent creative florist, we rotate our flower selection and colour palette throughout the week, this is why we do not offer specific bouquet options, each bouquet is uniquely crafted by our expert florists  


Our picture gallery shows an example of our bouquets, each one is made unique to order – check out our Instagram feed for examples of our work!

Signature Bouquet

  • We accept orders for delivery Monday to Saturday. Our flowers are handled with care and delivered by our own delivery drivers; therefore, we only deliver within a 12-mile radius of our store.


    Our deliveries are completed between the hours of 9am and 6pm, we charge a flat rate and do not take orders for specific times, if ordering for same day delivery your order will most likely be delivered in the PM anytime up to 6.30pm


    Same day delivery is available if order is placed before 12pm, if past this time, please call our store on 02895430330 to check availability. At busy periods same day delivery may not be available or this time is subject to change, but this information will be available on our home and checkout page.


    For delivery rates, click here -

  • Florist Choice – This is what our team do best, they love nothing more then a customer who trusts them to design a beautiful bouquet from the fresh selection of flowers and local seasonal foliage’s that we stock. We do recommend going for the larger style bouquet to give our team creative flexibility.


    Autumnal - Let us add a seasonal twist to your bouquet, this may vary from a richer palette through to the addition of some pumpkins!


    If you have any specific preference you can request this in the notes section. As we are an independent creative florist, we rotate our colour palette on a weekly basis so this is why we only offer a florist choice style of bouquet rather than a specific like for like option on our website, we want to ensure that our customers receive a beautiful bespoke bouquet every time they order